Infrastructure as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides virtual or physical servers on demand. The servers, storage, and network hardware are located in the provider's data center and abstracted from the customer.

Total # Virtual Servers

Total # vCPUs (Cores)

Total RAM (GB)

Total Provisioned Disk (TB)

Total Used Disk (TB)

Current Backup Software

Network Carrier(s)

Primary Site Bandwidth (Mbps)

Budget (per month)

What is your expected "Go Live" date for this project?

OPTIONAL - Please attach a spreadsheet or other file with a list of servers to migrate to the cloud. Include as much information about each server as possible to help us design a matching environment. Such information may include: - Server Role - OS - # vCPUs & Utilization - RAM (GB) - Used & Provisioned Storage (GB/TB) - Storage Type (SAN, NAS, etc.) - Physical or Virtual - Shared or Dedicated - Hypervisor (vSphere/ESXi, Hyper-V, XenServer, etc.)

First Name (Client) *

Last Name *


Email Address *

Phone Number *

Company *

# Employees *

Industry *

HQ Address *

Address Line 2

City *


Trusted Advisor/Account Manager *

TA/AM Email Address *

TA/AM Phone Number

Paragon Support